2023-02-15 Auditor - Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update February 15, 2023 10:55 a.m. Present: Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Larry Grove, Grace Jimenez, Rodney Reynolds, Nic Scott, Amber Smith, Sarah Hensley, Sherri Dokken, Tailor Arrington, Tom Stanton, Becky Butler, Commissioner Swope (11:14) Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Public Comment: None 2023 Legislative Session Update: Larry Grove said to watch for HB 1474. This will add $100 to the homeowner recording fee. Larry said he is not in favor of this. Treasurer’s Office Update: Rodney Reynolds said target inflation was 2%. He said the current inflation rates are at 6.4%. Rodney said the Fed would have to raise the Federal interest rate and hold that rate for a considerable time in order to lower the current rate of inflation. Rodney said Lewis County’s investment pool is up 4.4% for January. Rodney said the County’s share of investments are up 10% compared to the same time 2022 and the current investment balance is the highest it has been since 2009. Rodney said January 2023’s lodging tax collection is down compared to January 2022. Auditor’s Office Report: Grace Jimenez said 2022 expenditures will remain open until February 28, 2023. Grace said year-end 2022 will be up to date for the March meeting. Grace presented a reorganization of her office to meet current staffing requests. There is an Accounting Specialist and a Financial Analyst II position currently available. Grace is proposing to recruit a Chief Deputy Auditor. She is also asking for increases for the current Accounting Analyst to grade 120 and Payroll and Benefits Specialist to grade 122. Grace said freezing one position would allow for these requests to remain under budget. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve the Auditor’s Office request for staffing reorganization changes. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Larry said he is asking for a step increase to the elections supervisor position to a grade 125 step 5. Larry has received notification that Terry Jouper is expected to leave. Larry said he is seeking the Board’s approval to hire and train this person before Terry’s departure. Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve the elections supervisor position grade increase proposal. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Larry said the current elections ballot return is at 33%. Results will be posted today at 4 p.m. Larry said there are 14 voter drop boxes within Lewis County. Meeting adjourned 11:30 a.m.