2023-02-28 Lewis County Seniors UpdateLewis County Seniors Update February 28, 2023 3:34 p.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Brummer, Nic Scott, Carol Brock, Nicole Barr, Judy Barr Guest(s): Otto Lagelbauer Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: Otto presented a high visibility product to the Lewis County Seniors group. Otto said the high visibility strip would decrease slips and falls. Nicole Barr explained to the commissioners about the meal counts. She said there were errors in recording for past months that explains why there was a larger increase in meal counts in December and January. Nicole said the budget for the year is back on track. The meal price increased approximately $0.06 per meal. There are federal dollars and state funding that lower the price of meals to the seniors. The cost of nutrition meals is $12.60 per meal and seniors pay $4.60. Commissioner Swope questioned the admin costs associated with serving the senior group. Commissioner Swope suggested asking for an increase in funding for the price per meal to cover admin costs associated with the Lewis County Seniors Group administering to the local area seniors. Nicole explained enrichments are funded by fundraisers, donations and thrift store sales. Commissioner Brummer asked how the Lewis County Seniors group recovered the funds from 2022. Nicole stated there was monies in savings that covered bills due to accounts changing names. She said funds were then reimbursed to the savings account. Carol Brock let the Commissioners know of upcoming events and fundraisers. Carol said some events are participated in all the senior buildings and some are site specific. They are participating in the I-5 Toyota raffle. Carol said they are having the Twin Cities Center wired for bingo. They are also planning a family night. Commissioner Brummer asked how the adopt-a-senior program is going and Nicole said there have been numerous donations towards this program. Nicole said volunteers are needed specifically at the Toledo center. Meeting adjourned 4:26 p.m.