2023-03-01 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update March 1, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Eric Eisenberg, Amber Smith, Doug Carey, Jenn Libby- Jones, Josh Metcalf, Meja Handlen, Rocky Lyon, BJ Kuykendall, Nic Scott, Becky Butler, Matt Jaeger, Barbara Russell, Alex Murray, Casey Mauermann, Graham Gowing, Larry Grove, Michelle Sabin, Tailor Arrington, Tom Stanton, Vanessa Ruelas Guest(s): Various members of the public Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Directors’ Update Mindy Brooks discussed a notice of public hearing to consider Ordinance 1345 to amend Chapter 17.12, Public Participation Program. Eric Eisenberg discussed a legal notice to issue a Request for Qualifications for architectural services related to a night-by-night shelter. Meja Handlen discussed a resolution to approve an interlocal agreement between the Lewis County Animal Shelter and the City of Napavine to provide the disposition of lost and stray dogs and cats within the respective jurisdictions. Meja Handlen discussed a resolution approve an interlocal agreement between the Lewis County Animal Shelter and the City of Toledo to provide the disposition of lost and stray dogs and cats within the respective jurisdictions. Rocky Lyon discussed a resolution to approve a lease agreement for the East Lewis County Transfer Station between County of Lewis and Solid Waste Disposal District #1. Rocky Lyon discussed a resolution to approve a lease agreement for the Central Transfer Station between County of Lewis and Solid Waste Disposal District #1. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to ratify a consultant agreement for $200,000 for Annual Design and Engineering Services for Water Crossing Structures with HDR Engineering, Inc. Eric Eisenberg discussed a resolution to approve a Second Amended Agreement with AMP Insights concerning consultant services for a water bank. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve a contract with Columbia LTD for professional recruitment services for the County Manager position. The commissioners said he can sign the contract and ratify via resolution after the fact. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to move two notice items, two consent items and seven deliberation items to the Tuesday, March 7, 2023, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. New business / Announcements Meja Handlen said the WIC office has reopened for in-person visits. Steve Wohld said the Centralia City Council has earmarked $250,000 for water line repairs at the county fairgrounds. Josh Metcalf said the Centralia City Council also approved funding for the county’s Scheuber Road and West Connector projects. Lee Napier said Graham Gowing has accepted a position with the Auditor’s Office. Eric Eisenberg said he will provide an update on the animal shelter search March 8. Amber Smith invited the group to an upcoming Employee Handbook powwow. Jenn Libby-Jones said 911 has received seven responses for to its request for proposals. Becky Butler said templates for ARPA documents are available. She said the PAF process has been updated. Matt Jaeger discussed cybersecurity threats. Alex Murray said Facilities crews continue work on surplus cleanup. Wednesday Workshop County Manager recruitment / succession planning: Erik Martin discussed the use of an interim County Manager. Human Resources re-org: Amber said HR would like to freeze one position and open a 114 or 115 office assistant. She said she also would like to reclassify Aimee Albright’s position from a 120 to a 121. Commissioner Brummer made a motion to approve HR’s reorganization plan with the position changes. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Employee handbook updates: The group opted to delay the conversation. .09 committee application / bylaws / policy / CEDS list: The group discussed the advisory committee’s proposed updates. They said they would further discuss the topic the following week. Calendars: The commissioners discussed their calendars. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m.