2023-03-06 BOCC Wrap-Up CMBOCC Wrap-Up / County Manager March 6, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Josh Weiss, Troy Nichols, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Amber Smith, Doug Carey, Shad Hail, Nic Scott, Eric Eisenberg, Becky Butler, David Bailey, Barbara Russell, Matt Jaeger, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Graham Gowing, Kristen Wecker, Meja Handlen, Mindy Brooks, Tailor Arrington, Tom Stanton, Josh Metcalf Guest(s): John Christian Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. >> Wrap-Up items 2023 legislative session: Josh Weiss and Troy Nichols reviewed bills still alive at the Legislature, including bills dealing with the Blake decision fallout, police pursuits, carbon offsets and domestic violence, among others. Water banking proviso: Josh said there are no updates regarding the water bank proviso but that he is confident it will move forward. Eagle Cliff mine: Barbara Russell said the pre-existing, nonconforming permit for the Eagle Cliff / Foster Creek mine predated 1993 legislation that shifted oversight to local authority. She said it also predated the local ordinance regarding nonconforming use. Barb said the county has no legal basis to limit operation while DNR inspections indicate the mine remains within the scope of the original permit application. The commissioners directed staff to reach out to the neighboring landowners to update the neighbors. Lee Napier said the public will have a formal process through which they can share their concerns with DNR as part of an upcoming SEPA process. Juvenile clothing allowance: Shad Hail requested a $200 clothing allowance for three unrepresented employees to provide the same benefit union-represented employees were receiving. The commissioners approved the request, with the decision to be followed up via resolution. Juvenile security: Shad Hail requested armed security for Juvenile’s Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon dockets. Shad said the annual cost would be roughly $15,000. Shad and Becky discussed the possibility of grants to help offset the costs. The commissioners approved the request, with the decision to be followed up via resolution. County Manager recruitment / succession planning: Erik Martin said he is negotiating with GMP. The commissioners directed Erik to move forward with the contract. The commissioners discussed the possibility of having an internal interim County Manager, potentially with limited powers. Approval of minutes: Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve minute folders from the weeks of Feb. 6, 13 and 20, 2023. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 2-0-1, with Commissioner Brummer and Commissioner Pollock voting in favor and Commissioner Swope unable to vote (attending remotely with limited ability to respond). Southwest Washington Fair Advisory Board vacancies: The commissioners directed staff to advertise for two vacancies. >> County Manager items Capital Facilities: Steve Wohld reviewed signage for county buildings, naming conventions for buildings and an upcoming ribbon-cutting event at the fairgrounds. Parks and Rec / Fair: Steve said the 2023 rodeo will be a two-day event. He said a giant screen has been ordered for the fairgrounds. Steve also discussed an all-day parks tour / ribbon-cutting event planned for the end of the month. 911 update: Erik said staff continues working on a potential change to 911 governance. Community Development update: Lee Napier reviewed permits year to date. Personnel: Amber Smith invited the group to participate in an upcoming Employee Handbook update. Meeting adjourned at 10:12 a.m.