2023-03-22 American Rescue Plan ActAmerican Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Update March 22, 2023 11:16 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Lisa Leon, Shad Hail, Nic Scott, Matt Jaeger, Eric Eisenberg (left at approximately 11:20 a.m.) Guest(s): None Recorder: Rieva Lester Eric Eisenberg said the state Senate’s proposed budget includes the proviso language the county requested regarding its water bank funding. He said the move should make the county eligible for a water banking pilot grant for Transalta water. Eric left at roughly 11:20 a.m. Becky Butler provided the following updates: • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) reports were submitted on time. The next report is due the end of April. • The county continues to work with BerryDunn to adjust projects to fit Treasury’s ever-changing guidance. • New guidance regarding additional eligible expenditures is expected later in the month. • Grant handbooks, external and internal handbooks, and contract and RFP templates have been completed. • Training for internal projects is ongoing. • BerryDunn continues to be a great resource and reviews all RFPs and contracts in coordination with the PA’s Office. The following individuals provided updates on internal projects: • Shad Hail and Lisa Leon: Juvenile’s Youth Mentoring program. • Matt Jaeger: County technology projects, including phone upgrades. • Josh Metcalf: Packwood Sewer, Vader water, airport fuel system projects and VHF radio infrastructure updates. • Steve Wohld: fairgrounds water lines project. Becky provided updates on outside projects for which ARPA funding was provided, including the Fox Theatre, Roxy Theater, Vader and Napavine projects. Becky noted that Superior Court received state funding for its technology upgrades, eliminating the need to use ARPA funds for the project. The commissioners agreed to earmark the unused funds for potential cost overruns elsewhere. Matt Jaeger noted that the PA’s Office has requested roughly $50,000 for a project to scan roughly 750,000 paper files. The commissioners agreed to earmark other unused funds for cost overruns. The commissioners said they would further review the roughly $20,000 that was left in the COVID personnel funding. Becky noted that the LATCF funds do not have an end date. She said those funds have broad use. Becky said there is funding leftover from the $40,000 that was earmarked for the Keep Connected program. Meeting adjourned at 11:53 a.m.