2023-03-27 HR UpdateBOCC HR Update
March 27, 2023
10:08 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim-County Manager Steve Wohld, Lee
Napier, Becky Butler, Nic Scott, Daleyn Coleman, Amber Smith, Josh Metcalf
Guest(s): None
Recorder: Tammy Martin
Public comment: None.
Steve Wohld looked at the salary and said the County Manager posting should exclude the first few
steps on the scale. Both Steve and Daleyn suggested starting the pay scale at step 6 based on
recommendations from the consultant. Steve said this doesn’t appear to be out of alignment compared
to current market conditions. Becky Butler said Erik Martin had suggested removing the position from
the salary grid altogether. Daleyn said seven out of 23 counties that were compared to Lewis County and
have the position not tied to the salary grid.
Daleyn said based on recommendations from the Auditor’s Office vacation accrual hours in excess of
240 would be easier to handle if the hours would drop at the end of the fiscal year. It is recommended
that non-exempt employees need to use their vacation and would not be eligible to receive a payout.
The excess hours for non-exempt employees will be eliminated from the accrual bank at the end of each
year. Payouts for excess of hours occurred for exempt employees in late 2022. Daleyn said there could
be extenuating circumstances allowing approval of extension of vacation hours.
Daleyn said the vehicle stipend for director/elected positions has proposed language to include
executive staff a stipend and this would be subject to review annually. This needs Board authorization.
Commissioner Pollock likes that this eliminates paperwork for tracking mileage. Commissioner Brummer
agreed. If there would be mileage reimbursement, the reimbursement is to and from training only.
Daleyn said District Court has asked to rehire an employee. This person has been gone for 6 months and
District Court has asked to hire back the person back at longevity and vacation accrual at the time of
separation. This person was with District Court for eleven years.
Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve the vacation and longevity request of District Court for
rehire of the employee. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 2-0.
Amber Smith suggested consolidating AEDs on the ER&R schedule or to approve to add to the budget
annually. Lewis County is not required to have AED devices, but are required to maintain them if they
are available. There is a debate as to which department to house the budget and maintenance of the
AEDs. Becky Butler said there are ARPA funds available that could be allocated for the AED units.
Meeting ended at 10:49 a.m.