2023-05-01 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up May 1, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Lee Napier, Mindy Brooks, Amber Smith, Meja Handlen, Doug Carey, Matt Jaeger, Josh Metcalf, Eric Eisenberg, Daleyn Coleman, Barb Russell, Becky Butler, Violet Barboza, Rudy Rodriguez, Grace Jimenez, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Willie Painter (9:18 a.m.) Guest(s): Centralia Police Chief Stacy Denham, Patty Howard, Lisa Striedinger, Isabel Vander Stoep, Triss Stanfield, Chad Taylor (9:48 a.m.), and others Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: Rieva Lester noted that Kyle Wheeler had submitted written comment regarding proclamations. Great Rivers Behavioral Health and Recovery Navigator Program: Centralia Police Chief Stacy Denham discussed his experience with a family member who battled addition years ago. He also discussed his recent experience with an individual battling addiction who sought services from the Recovery Navigator Program. Chief Denham expressed concerns with Gather Church providing outreach, support and follow-through with the individual he referred to the program. Chief Denham said he and others visited Blakeslee Junction and asked the individuals living in the homeless camp whether they’d received offers of service from Gather Church and that all of the individuals the group spoke to said they hadn’t been contacted. He said he followed up with an additional visit a few weeks later and heard the same responses. Commissioner Pollock said Great Rivers Behavioral Health, which oversees the Recovery Navigator Program, is finalizing its review of its contract with Gather Church. Chief Denham said he no longer supports having Gather Church lead the program. Commissioner Pollock said her understanding is that Great Rivers will issue an RFP for the Recovery Navigator Program before the contract with Gather Church ends in June. Fire District 6: Commissioner Swope encouraged further work to address congruency. North Lewis County Industrial Access (NLCIA) funding changes: Josh Metcalf said he would like to reallocate $500,000 from the county’s project toward the state’s comprehensive traffic study. Josh said the Reynolds / Harrison project is the county’s next priority. Josh asked the commissioners to consider earmarking up to $1 million from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) or Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) funds toward the Harrison project and provide $500,000 to the state for the comprehensive traffic study. Becky Butler said she’d like to follow the same application process other projects have used for funding. Chad Taylor joined at 9:48 a.m. Commissioner Swope said he would like to meet with Josh, Eric Eisenberg and the state representatives to discuss funding options for the Public Works projects. The commissioners agreed to provide the $500,000 toward the state to complete the comprehensive traffic study. Business cards: Rieva Lester said a county advisory board had requested permission to have ID badges or business cards. The commissioners said the Water Conservancy Board can purchase its own business cards with the following parameters: • Commissioners will review design. • Cards will not include county logo. • Any future similar requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Email signature policy: The commissioners discussed the creation of an email signature policy. The commissioners said they would further discuss the use of pronouns in signature blocks at an upcoming Directors’ Update. Planning Commission weekly update: Mindy Brooks said the Planning Commission will hold a hearing on population allocations the week of May 8. Mindy said the county will kick off its periodic update for the Comprehensive Plan on July 1. She said she will want to hold a joint scoping session with the Planning Commission and the commissioners in September. Lewis County Broadband Action Team (LCBAT) funding: Eric Eisenberg discussed having the county acting as the bursar for the LCBAT through WSU Extension. Willie Painter said the funding would be just shy of $60,000. The commissioners directed Eric Eisenberg to move forward with an agreement with WSU Extension. Proclamations: The commissioners agreed to continue its moratorium on proclamations. Flag policy: The commissioners directed Amber Smith to draft a flag policy. Road weight restrictions for trucks: Commissioner Swope said the Coalition Against Bigger Trucks has requested the county not allow an increase in truck weight from 75,000 tons to 91,000 tons on county roads. Josh discussed the state and federal guideless the county must follow. Lewis County Seniors (bingo boards and HVAC): The commissioners said they will discuss the topics May 3. Minute folders: Commissioner Brummer made a motion to approve minute folders for the weeks of April 10 and April 17, 2023. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting ended at 10:30 a.m.