2023-04-24 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update April 24, 2023 10:43 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, Matt Jaeger, Nic Scott, Amber Smith, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf, Meja Handlen, Violet Barboza Guest(s): None Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Mountain View Cemetery: Steve Wohld said the county has received its Certificate of Authority for the Mountain View Cemetery, one of the last steps in acquiring the records from the previous owner. He said the records are expected in the next week or so and will need to be copied before they are turned over to the state. Steve and Becky Butler suggested using the county’s Historic Preservation grant to cover the costs of copying the records before sending them to the state. The group discussed how to fund maintenance and care for the cemetery. Steve estimated the mowing costs to total $30,000 plus equipment costs totaling roughly $30,000. He said it will require two full-time employees. The group discussed handing it to the City of Centralia. The group discussed potentially outsourcing the mowing. Steve noted there are two or three other cemeteries in Lewis County at risk of foreclosure. Washington County Administration Association conference update: Becky Butler discussed the recent Washington County Administration Association conference, during which the group discussed the need to fund NARCAN for employee safety, noting that law enforcement currently is covering the costs of NARCAN. Commissioner Pollock stressed the need to get drug dealers off the street and stem the tide of drugs entering Lewis County. Becky said the county is likely to see a roughly 25 percent to 30 percent increase in rates. Becky said the year-end reporting for Distressed Counties will change, as will reporting for the Blake decision. Combined User Committee (CUC) update: Matt Jaeger said the CUC is reviewing what service model it might suggest. Matt said the county would have to contract with the county to provide service. Steve said the group plans to attend the upcoming Mayors’ Meeting asking for 1 percent on the ballot. County Engineer succession planning: Josh Metcalf said Tim Fife will retire in the summer and that he plans to negotiate a contract with the assistant county engineer to replace Tim. The commissioners said they support the plan. Steve noted he will be out of the office at the end of the week. Meeting adjourned at 11:42 a.m.