2023-05-08 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update
May 8, 2023
10:22 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, Meja
Handlen, Doug Carey, Violet Barboza, Commissioner Swope (11:19)
Guest(s): None
Recorder: Tammy Martin
Public Comment: None
Commissioner Pollock said there was a lot more participation in the Spring Youth Fair and the fair was
well attended. Steve Wohld is having BJ Kuykendall track the costs associated with the Youth Fair. Steve
said the Youth Fair is a loss to the budget that he considers a contribution to community.
Steve Wohld discussed the livestock panels being installed at the fair. As the group has funding, they are
building sections for the panels. Steve said the Board had previously authorized up-to $10,000 as a back-
stop to fund the panels. The Commissioners have agreed to allow use of the $10,000 to construct
additional livestock panels as per the minutes from the 07/25/22 meeting.
Steve Wohld presented bids from several landscaping companies to maintain Mountain View Cemetery.
The lowest bid is $24,000 a month. Steve said estimated costs with using casual employees to maintain
would be close to $7,000 a month. Steve said equipment would also need to be purchased. Steve said
he was able to acquire plot records. Steve said 3,000 sellable lots are available. There may be a potential
to sell the cemetery. Steve said they were able to verbally confirm there was an endowment fund of
approximately $173,000. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve up to $35,000 for equipment
and maintenance of the Mountain View Cemetery. Motion passed 2-0. The Board’s preference is to use
ARPA funding if available.
Steve said there are safety concerns on a stretch of Highway 12. He is asking for the Board’s support to
send a letter to WSDOT to formally ask for maintenance to address the issues.
Steve asked the Commissioners if they would be interested in having a workshop to determine a budget
and financial impact for E911. The Commissioners agreed that a workshop would be valuable.
Meja Handlen wanted the group to be aware the requirements of the city of Chehalis to utilize the
night-by-night shelter.
Meeting adjourned 11:20 a.m.