2023-05-15 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up
May 15, 2023
9 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Interim County Manager Steve Wohld, Lee
Napier, Mindy Brooks, Amber Smith, Becky Butler, Meja Handlen, Nic Scott, Rudy Rodriguez,
Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Kate Chatterton
Guest(s): Patty Howard, Isabel Vander Stoep
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Cemetery maintenance request clarification: Steve Wohld said he is requesting $30,000 to $35,000 to
purchase equipment to provide maintenance at the Mountain View Cemetery as well as $7,000 per
month for roughly five months for personnel.
Becky Butler said it’s unclear whether the equipment and labor would be eligible for ARPA funding.
Planning Commission weekly update: Mindy Brooks discussed the previous week’s Planning
Commission meeting. She said the group moved forward the proposed population allocations. She said
the advisory committee will meet later in the week to discuss airport properties and that the Planning
Commission will meet the following week. Mindy said the Planning Commission likely will hold a hearing
on the subarea plan in July.
Mindy said Winlock will present its Urban Growth Area (UGA) expansion request to the Planned Growth
Committee later in the week.
Correspondence: Meja Handlen discussed a DSHS contract that includes vaccination language in Section
32. Meja said she is responding that the governor has rescinded the state vaccination requirements.
Meeting ended at 9:27 a.m.