2023-06-07_BOCC_WedWorkshop_PopulationHousingCommunity Development 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis, WA 98532 Phone: (360) 740-1146 Lewis County Planning Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update June 7, 2023 Agenda 1.Comprehensive Plans Period Update 2.2045 Population Allocations 3.2045 Housing Allocations BOCC – Workshop 2June 7, 2023 June 7, 2023 Overview BOCC - Workshop 3 Growth Management Act Lewis County Comprehensive Plan Lewis County Shoreline Master Program Countywide Planning Policies Urban Growth Areas Title 17.38 Critical Areas Title 15.35 Flood Damage Prevention Title 17 Land Use and Development Regulations Title 16 Subdivisions Zoning Maps Shoreline Management Act June 7, 2023 Periodic Update BOCC - Workshop 4 •Task 1 – Population and Housing Allocations •Task 2: Scoping •Task 3: Existing Conditions, Including Capital Facilities •Task 4: Public Engagement •Task 5: Draft Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies •Task 6: Packwood Subarea Plan •Task 7: Onalaska Subarea Plan Update •Task 8: Urban Growth Areas •Task 9: SEPA •Task 10: Final Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies Then … Tasks 11 – 14 zoning maps and development regulations June 7, 2023 Population Allocations BOCC - Workshop 5 •Office of Financial Management (OFM) 20-year forecast\ •High, medium, low – medium is most likely •County allocates to cities •Coordinated through Planned Growth Committee •Recommendation to Planning Commission •Decision by BOCC June 7, 2023 Planned Growth Committee BOCC - Workshop 6 •Mayor (or designee) of each city and Chair of BOCC •Meets monthly for 2 hours •Responsibilities: population allocations, housing allocations, UGA amendments and Countywide Planning Policies June 7, 2023 Population Allocations BOCC - Workshop 7 Why is population allocation important? •Comp Plan must address the population •UGAs must be sized to accommodate 20-year populations •Cities must plan to provide urban services •Input to housing allocation June 7, 2023 Population Allocations BOCC - Workshop 8 Methodology •Each city proposed their own •Most based on permits in the pipeline, plus growth trends •Chehalis based on land capacity analysis •Centralia based on Housing Action Plan BOCC >>> Stay in the OFM range! April 25, 2023 Population Allocation Lewis County Planning Commission 9 June 7, 2023 Population Allocations BOCC - Workshop 10 Implications •Hard to expand UGA •Hard to obtain grants for infrastructure (e.g., sewer, water) But … in 5 years OFM gives new projections and we do this again June 7, 2023 Housing Allocations BOCC - Workshop 11 •HB 1220 •Department of Commerce guidance •County allocated housing to cities •Coordination through Planned Growth Committee •Recommendation to Planning Commission •Decision by BOCC April 25, 2023 Housing Allocations Lewis County Planning Commission 12 April 25, 2023 Housing Allocations Lewis County Planning Commission 13 April 25, 2023 Housing Allocations Lewis County Planning Commission 14 April 25, 2023 Housing Allocations Lewis County Planning Commission 15 •Larger cities near I-5 are better suited for lower income housing •Employment •Transit •Social services •Smaller cities do not have infrastructure to support more multifamily housing •Unincorporated rural areas can’t have urban services •Centralia’s Housing Action Plan April 25, 2023 Housing Allocations Lewis County Planning Commission 16 February 28, 2023 Housing Allocations Lewis County Planning Commission - Public Workshop 17 GUIDANCE! What do we have to do? 1.Capacity through zoning 2.Remove regulatory barriers June 7, 2023 Public Hearing BOCC - Workshop 18 May 25: Notice of Hearing, written testimony June 7: BOCC Workshop June 13: BOCC Public Hearing Testimony to mindy.brooks@lewiscountywa.gov https://lewiscountywa.gov/departments/community-development/rezones/comprehensive-plan-and-development-regulation-amendments/comprehensive-plan-periodic-update/ This Slide Intentionally Left Blank 19