2023-07-17 Clerk budget memoMemo To: BOCC From: Scott Tinney Date: 7-22-2023 Re: Budget Amendment am requesting a budget amendment that is necessary due to recently enacted legislation. RCW 7.105.105 requires Superior Court Clerks to accept electronically submitted documents related to the filing of civil protection orders which includes Anti -harassment, Domestic Violence, Extreme Risk, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Vulnerable Adult. We do not accept any other court document by electronic submission because we do not yet have the technical capability to do so. We have been able to meet the statutory requirement of accepting electronic submission for civil protection orders by using an extended trial subscription to Legal Atoms. Legal Atoms has provided a tool that allows us to accept electronic submission of civil protection order petitions. The program that they have created ensures that a person filing for a protection order has all of the necessary forms for their particular situation, and it ensures that all required forms are filled out completely before they are submitted. Many victims that truly need protection orders are unable to come to the courthouse for a variety of reasons. By using Legal Atoms, petitioners are able to obtain a protection order without having to leave their home. Legal Atoms is the only product available that is specifically designed for this task. We have been using it for 6 months, and if has worked flawlessly. Request For Budget Amendment Fu 10nd 00 Department 007 Program Reason For Request: Q New Program or Service ❑ Capital Expenditure ❑ Other (Explain) Type of appropriation: Supplemental O Emergency ❑ Additional Cost Due to Increased Level of Service ❑ Additional Cost With No Increase in Level of Service ❑ Correct/Adjust Budget within Fund/Department Please Describe Need ForAdditional Funding & Attach Related Documentation Due to recently enacted legislation, RCW 7.105.105 now requires the Clerk's Office to accept petitions for protection orders and all other filings in connection with those petitions to be to be submitted remotely through an electronic submission process. After much research and testing we have concluded that the most efficient method for receiving and processing the electronic submissions is by using a service offered by Legal Atoms. This appears to be the only available option specifically designed for the purpose that will allow the Clerk's Office to comply with the time requirements mandated in the new legislation. We have been using this service on an extended trial base for about six months, but we will now need to start paying an annual fee in order to continue using it. Use of Funds DIncrease Expenditures ❑Increase Fund Balance ❑� Operating Transfer Out Requested Account Description ORG CODE OBJECT Current Budget Increase/Decrease Revised Budget Legal Atoms subscription for E-filing 00751230 $ - $ 14,400 $ 14,400 $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ - $ $ Increase a es in Estimated Ending Fund Balanc XXX00000 291800 $ - Total Use of Funds: $ - $ 14,400 $ 14,400 Source of Funds ❑Increase Revenues ❑Decrease Fund Balance Operating Transfer In ❑Use of Fund Balance Requested Account Description ORG CODE OBJECT Current Budget Increase/Decrease Revised Budget Legal Atoms subscription for E-filing 00751230 $ $ 14,400 $ 14,400.00 $ $ - $ Use of Estimated Ending Fund Balance XXX00000 T 291800, Total Source of Funds: $ - $ 14,400.00 $ 14,400.00 Elected/ Director Date Revised 02-03