2023-08-21 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up August 21, 2023 9:03 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Amber Smith, Jenn Libby-Jones, Doug Carey, Becky Butler, Nic Scott, Matt Jaeger, Meja Handlen, Sheriff Snaza, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Josh Metcalf, Violet Barboza, Kate Chatterton, Coleman Rogers, Lee Napier, Grace Jimenez, Graham Gowing, Justia Madrigal, Mindy Brooks, Rudy Rodriguez, Sherri Dokken, David Bailey (9:13 a.m.), Robert Bradley (9:13 a.m.), Steve Wohld (9:28 a.m.) Guest(s): Patty Howard, Erik Martin, Bill Serrahn, Kylie Sexsmith, several unnamed guests Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Josh Metcalf discussed three proposed resolutions: • Resolution 23-266: The temporary closure of Koontz Road to all through traffic. The closure is effective Sept. 18 and lasts through Dec. 31. • Resolution 23-267: Notice of hearing regarding a license to Mox Networks, LLC to construct, operate, and maintain a new underground fiber optic infrastructure in Lewis County road rights- of-way. • Resolution 23-268: Issuing public notice that Lewis County is seeking coverage under the Washington Department of Ecology's Construction Stormwater NPDES State Waste Discharge Permit for the Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project. Matt Jaeger discussed proposed Resolution 23-270: Authorize the Director of IT Services to Execute a Purchase Order for Microsoft 365 Licenses with LiftOff, LLC. Josh Metcalf discussed proposed Resolution 23-271: List the bids received and contractor selected for the Garrard Creek MP 2.8 Long Term Scour Repair Project, CRP 2159P. Lee Napier discussed proposed Resolution 23-273: Modify restrictions on outdoor burning to a full ban throughout unincorporated Lewis County. David Bailey and Robert Bradley joined at 9:13 a.m. Ordinance 1347: Repeal and replace Chapter 8.60 to prohibit unauthorized camping and parking on county property and make a violation thereof a misdemeanor. Commissioner Pollock said she would prefer the ordinance to reflect a 15-foot county jurisdiction instead of 30-foot jurisdiction. The commissioners said they’d like to update the language to reflect the need for written permission, not just permission. David Bailey discussed proposed Resolution 23-272: Approve defense and indemnity for Josh Metcalf and his marital community and for John Roe and his marital community, if any. Commissioner Brummer made a motion to move three notice items, two consent items, four deliberation items and one hearing to the Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Lewis County Seniors: The commissioners discussed the Lewis County Seniors’ decision to prohibit prayers and political discussions. They said they would like to discuss Carol Brock’s position on the Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging Advisory Board. Broadband: Not discussed. Proposed needle exchange policy: The commissioners discussed a one-to-one exchange policy that doesn’t include age limits. They said they will further discuss the proposal the following week. 911 sales and use tax: Commissioner Brummer discussed an infographic created to present facts about the 911 center and the proposed sales and use ballot measure. Southwest Washington Fair: The commissioners praised the outcome of the recent fair. Flood discussion with Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez: The commissioners said Commissioner Brummer will meet with Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez later in the week. At 9:57 a.m., Commissioner Swope announced that the Board would be going into executive session until 10:15 a.m. to discuss the broadband project and Concrete School District v. DNR under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and a potential real estate acquisition under 42.30.110(1)(b). At 10:15 a.m., Commissioner Swope extended executive session until 10:25 a.m. Executive session ended at 10:25 a.m. Commissioner Swope noted that no decisions had been made. Calendars: Commissioner Swope said he will meet The Salvation Army, the city and law enforcement later in the day to discuss Blakeslee Junction. Meeting adjourned at 10:26 a.m.