2023-08-22 Budget UpdateBudget Update August 22, 2023 2:02 p.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, incoming County Manager Ryan Barrett, Matt Jaeger, Nic Scott, Steve Wohld (2:08 p.m.) Guest(s): None Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. The commissioners said offices and departments must meet the Sept. 11 deadline for submitting budgets. They said late submissions would not be allowed. Becky Butler provided the following updates: • Budget o Rudy Rodriguez is scheduling budget meetings with all electeds and directors. o All-day budget meetings will take place Oct. 11, 16 and 18. o Budget trainings are scheduled for Sept. 14, 17 and 21. o Budget assistance will be available every Thursday and Friday in August and September. o Staff will review preliminary Sept. 11 through Oct. 3. o Preliminary budgets will be presented to the BOCC on Oct. 3. • Broadband o Bid opening for the broadband project is Aug. 24. o The contract will be reviewed with the PA’s Office Aug. 23. o Engineer’s estimate has been submitted. o Permits have been submitted for Phase 1-3. o Discussions regarding Contract compliance requirements are ongoing. o Will meet with the archeologist later in the day to verify sites and review the map. • Procurement software o The county has seven active bids in its new procurement system. o More than 100 vendors have signed up for access. o Staff is creating department templates. o First sealed bid opening is scheduled for Aug. 23. o Staff is working to ensure ARPA contracts are signed by the end of 1Q 2024. o $1 million is not yet allocated. Meeting ended at 2:54 p.m.