2023-11-29 Auditor-Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update November 29, 2023 10:31 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Ryan Barrett, Larry Grove, Grace Jimenez, Graham Gowing, Rodney Reynolds, Tom Stanton Guest(s): None Recorder: Tammy Martin Public comment: None Rodney Reynolds said the Federal Reserve will meet in a few weeks and the probability suggests interest rates remaining the same. Rodney said Lewis County has 78 million invested in the LGIP. The County owns $137 million. Rodney wanted to point out the 2023 October balances are higher than 2019 and 2020. Rodney said Sales and Use tax has a .1% decrease over last year and Lodging tax has seen 12.6% YTD increase. Grace Jimenez said approximately 83 5 of the year is complete and approximately 76% of the budget has been expended. Grace said there aren’t any additional departments exceeding their budgets. Transfer for debt service will be posted in December. Grace said Parks and Rec and the Fair had a budget amendment that was effective in November. Costs charged to Parks & Rec are being reallocated to the Fair. Final numbers will be available in the next update. Grace said her department is working closely to monitor expenditures to avoid any further amendments. The SAO and accountability audit will be rescheduled for December 11. This was due to a delay in the fraud investigation for the Animal Shelter/Jail. The investigative fraud team report wasn’t complete. The accountability audit audited the jail inmate funds. Grace said there was a surprise cash count audit at Solid Waste and Public Health. Both departments had no issues found. Grace said drug seizure funds were audited as well and no ineligible charges were found. Grace said Lewis County is required to report any loss of public funds. This includes credit card fraud. Larry Grove said the election was certified November 28th and a machine recount will be performed early December. Meeting adjourned 11:02 a.m.