2023-11-29 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update November 29, 2023 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Ryan Barrett, Meja Handlen, Steve Wohld, Lee Napier, Josh Metcalf, Doug Carey, Alex Murray, Eric Eisenberg, BJ Kuykendall, Rocky Lyon, Amber Smith, Matt Jaeger, Becky Butler, Charles Edmonson, Gary Fredrick, Kate Chatterton, Casey Mauermann, Justia Madrigal, Mindy Brooks, Jared Larson Guest(s): Patty Howard Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to issue a Request for Proposals (RFQ) to provide annual hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphic services for projects including Rural Arterial Program (RAP) funded projects, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funded projects, US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funded projects, and Lewis County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) projects. Ryan Barrett said the proposed resolution regarding a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Cemetery Management Services is being held. Meja Handlen discussed a resolution to approve Contract #C15-0212-23 between Coastal Community Action Program (CAP) and Lewis County. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve a Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) Grant Agreement No 23-1138P between Recreation and Conservation (RCO) and Lewis County for the Blue Creek at Spencer Road Fish Habitat Restoration Design project in the amount of $495,750.00. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to authorize the execution of an Interlocal Agreement between Cowlitz County, Lewis County Solid Waste Disposal District No. 1, and Lewis County for disposal of solid waste. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to list the bids received and contractor selected for the Centralia Alpha Road Improvements, 10-2084, STPR-H210(008). Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to approve a personal services agreement between Lewis County and Robert K. Weidner. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to certify property tax levies for junior taxing districts for collection in 2024. Becky Butler discussed a resolution to Property tax budgets and levies for Current Expense and Road Fund for 2024. Becky Butler discussed a resolution to adopt the annual budget of Lewis County for the calendar year of 2024. Commissioner Brummer made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items and five deliberation items to the Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to add one deliberation item and two hearings – the levy certifications, levies and budget – to the Monday, Dec. 4, meeting. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Wednesday Workshop Commissioner Swope said a dual Drug Court graduation will take place at the beginning of the Dec. 5, 2023, Business Meeting. BJ Kuykendall said rodeo sponsorships are now available. Rocky Lyon discussed an upcoming leaf collection event. Amber Smith said Risk policies will be reviewed Dec. 7. Becky discussed a year-end budget amendment hearing planned for Dec. 26. Meeting ended at 9:32 a.m.