2023-10-30 Aud Treas FinanceAuditor / Treasurer Update October 30, 2023 1 p.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, Arny Davis, Rodney Reynolds, Graham Gowing, Grace Jimenez, Kate Chatterton, Nic Scott Guest(s): Unnamed guest Recorder: Kate Chatterton Public comment: None. Arny provided updates on Finance Committee. • The group discussed the establishment of special revenue fund: Treasurer’s Investment Pool Maintenance Fund No. 1085. Rodney Reynolds reviewed Lewis County investments. Rodney provided the following updates: • Federal reserve is making a decision on Thursday about rates. • The group discussed cash balance levels. • Second-half property taxes will be coming in soon. • Retail sales is slightly higher (0.5%) than last year. • YTD Lodging Taxes at a 12.7% increase from 2022. Grace Jimenez provided the following updates: • Elections expenditures are up due to increased costs for mailing, etc. Budget amendment is coming. • Overall 75% of the year has been expended • YTD Chehalis River Basin fund is high, Parks and Rec operations is high as well • Discussed issuing an RFP for a cost allocation plan. • The commissioners agreed with issuing the RFP. Larry Grove provided the following updates: • Elections office discussed ballots that have been submitted. Meeting adjourned at 1:34 p.m.