2023-10-09 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up October 9, 2023 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Swope, Commissioner Brummer, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Ryan Barrett, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Kate Chatterton, Nic Scott Guest(s): Bill Serrahn Recorder: Rieva Lester Public comment: None. Business Meeting change: Commissioner Pollock made a motion to add to the Oct. 10, 2023, Business Meeting Resolution 23-331: Modify restrictions on outdoor burning to allow permitted burning throughout lands regulated by Lewis County. Commissioner Brummer seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Late submission for Lodging Tax grant: Rieva Lester said staff was contacted by the East Lewis County Chamber of Commerce at 3 p.m. Oct. 6, which was the deadline for lodging tax applications. Rieva said the group indicated it had technical difficulties. The commissioners directed staff to extend the lodging tax submission deadline until 3 p.m. Oct. 13. Secure Rural Schools: The group discussed Secure Rural Schools funding and lobby costs. Cash-flow loan review: The group reviewed a proposed cash-flow loan. Grant for Fairgrounds water system: The group discussed potential grant funding for the county’s water project at the fairgrounds. Meeting ended at 9:15 a.m.